“The Biggest Little Feed & Farm Supply in Town!”
Concord Maid Show Pig Feeding Program
The CONCORD MAID SHOW PIG Feeding Program is a simple and straight forward (4) step program made here at Shamel Milling
Concord Maid Show Pig feed is a mash blend of SHOW-RITE’S unique SHOW PIG 10.0 A2 base mix and Concord Maid ingredients.
The formulation is carefully balanced to provide the nutrients necessary to obtain optimum protein deposition in the young show pig and maintain conformation and bloom through to show.
High Quality Protein: Protein sources are combined in a uniqu blend to provide the optimal balance of amino acids necessary to achieve maximum lean deposition.
High Fat: A blend of fats from both vegetable and animal sources provides the energy to support lean deposition, with a fatty acid profile to assist in maintaining coat condition and bloom.
Added Probiotics: Yeast and probiotics have been added to help aid in the optimal digestion of a variety of ingredients.
Organic Trace Minerals: Organic trace minerals have been added for improved mineral absorption compared to minerals from inorganic sources.
Variable Inclusion: The SHOW PIG 10.0 A2 PROGRAM can be used at varying inclusion rates to meet the pig’s needs at each stage of growth.
Added Chromium: A highly available source of chromium is added to assist in meeting the goal of optimum protein deposition.
FEEDING DIRECTIONS: The SHOW PIG 10.0 A2 Mash Feeding Program should be fed as the sole ration to pigs weighing 40 pounds thru finish.
BASIC FEEDING METHOD: Feed Show Pig 17 from 40lbs thru to finish.
STEP FEEDING METHOD: Each step (19, 17, 16, 15) is fed out at specific 50lb intervals to accomodate the changing nutritional needs of each pig. High protein and lysine low fat for building muscle on younger growing pigs and lowest protein and lysine with higher fat for cover and finishing ages.
CM Show Pig 19: (Highest Protein & Lysine): Feed to pigs weighing 40 – 100lbs.
CM Show Pig 17: (Moderate protein & Lysine): Feed to pigs weighing 100 – 150lbs.
CM Show Pig 16: (Less than moderate protein & Lysine): Feed to pigs weighing 150 – 200lbs.
CM Show Pig 15: (Lowest Protein & Lysine): Feed to pigs weighing 200lbs – Finish
BODY CONFORMATION AND STYLE FEEDING METHOD: Each step (19, 17, 16, and 15) can be fed independently as the sole ration to individualize the feeding needs and goals of each Show Pig based on body conformation, style or breed and sex.
CM Show Pig 19: (Highest Protein & Lysine, Lowest Fat and Fiber): Feed to young stock and in instances on older hogs, feed CM SP 19 when less fat and more muscle definition is desired.
CM Show Pig 17: (Medium protein, fat and fiber): Can be fed as a grower and maintenance feed) Feed as a maintenance feed or to sharpen up a softer pig and develop lighter muscle but not
CM Show Pig 16: (Medium protein, fat and fiber): Can be fed as a grower and maintenance feed)
CM Show Pig 15: (Lowest Protein, Highest Fat and Fiber): Can be fed to harder pigs needing more cover and less definition.
Don’t know which feeds to feed?
Don’t know how to feed your barrows differently then your breeding gilts?
Don’t know how to feed average muscled differently than heavy muscled hogs?
Don’t know at what stage or weight to adjust the feeding program?
Are you looking for a customized week by week feeding schedule that includes weekly weight gain benchmarks, what feed to feed and what supplements to use? Contact us about the SHOW-RITE Feed Decision Maker.
View a sample of what the SHOW-RITE FEED DECISION MAKER can do for you.
– Pigs should have access to clean fresh water at all times.
– Make feed changes gradually over at least a 5 day time period.
– Never feed any feedstuffs that are moldy, musty or suspect in any way.
– Keep feeders off the ground and clean them regularly.
– To maximize rate of gain and limit wasted feed, hand feed 2-3 times per day based on quantities specified on the SHOW-RITE FEED DECISION MAKER vs. using a self-feeder.
WARNING: These products, which contain added copper, should not be fed to sheep or related species that have a low tolerance level to copper. SHOW-RITE Pig Feeds are formulated specifically for swine and should not be fed to other species.
19 |
17 |
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15 |
Contact us
Phone: 716-592-7700
Open Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday 8:30am-2pm
Closed Sunday
Copyright © 2023 Shamel Milling Co. East Concord, NY
~ All rights reserved. No use of text or images without express permission. ~