“The Biggest Little Feed & Farm Supply in Town!”
Whitetail Institute

Type of Mix: Perennial
Seeding Rate: 8lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 6.5-7.0
Available Bag Size(s)and Coverage:#IMP4 Net Wt 4lbs (.5 acre)
#IMP18 Net Wt 18lbs (2.25 acres)
Seeds: Imperial Clover is a professionally formulated blend of high yielding clover varieties that offers very unique traits when compared to traditional plantings for wildlife.
Soil Recommendation: Avoid sandy soils, hilltops and steep slopes
Planting Times: Spring/Early Summer or Mid-August/Fall. Ideal seed for frost seeding.
Product Description: Imperial Whitetail Clover is a professionally formulated blend of high yielding clover varieties that offers very unique traits when compared to traditional plantings for wildlife. Wildlife biologists now know the critical importance of high-quality forage and browse for whitetails year-round, especially during the spring and summer months of antler growth and fawn development. Without high-quality, high-protein browse during the antler-growth season, a buck’s antlers will not reach their genetic potential.
Imperial Whitetail Clover produces up to 30 – 35 % protein 12 months a year and can last for up to 5 years without replanting, saving you time and money! In terms of attractiveness, Imperial Clover has no equal. Part of the stipulation in the design of Imperial Clover was that it had to be the most attractive food plot available to the deer. After all, no matter how nutritious a food plot is, if the deer do not eat it, it doesn’t matter. In this respect, expectations for high attractiveness were exceeded.
Because of its design, Imperial Clover is a lush, sweet, highly digestible forage that is a virtual magnet to deer – it actually pulls deer from surrounding areas. Until Imperial Clover was developed, no single planting was known to us that would stay green and productive 12 months a year throughout the Country and perform well from Canada to Florida.
Imperial Alfa-Rack Plus

Type of Mix: Perennial
Seeding Rate: 7lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 6.5-7.0
Bag Size and Coverage:#IAP3.75 Net Wt 3.75lbs (.25 acre)
#IAP16.75 Net Wt 16.5lbs (1.25 acres)
Seeds: Imperial Whitetail Clover performs well in soils that hold moisture. By adding Imperial Whitetail Clover to Alfa-Rack Plus blend, the clover fills in where soils are moist and the X-9 Alfalfa and chicory dominate where soils are more well drained.
Soils: Avoid Sandy Soils and Heavy Soils. Prefers slightly well drained soil.
Planting Times: Spring/Early Summer or Mid-August/Fall. Can be applied as a frost seeding.
Product Description: For decades, Alfa-Rack has been one of the most successful forages ever offered by The Whitetail Institute. But the Whitetail Institute is never satisfied to simply rest on even the dramatic success of any forage blend, and ever since the introduction of Alfa-Rack, research has been ongoing for ways to enhance this already highly successful product. In 2005, our continuing research and development culminated in the development of what is unquestionably the best alfalfa-based whitetail food plot product available on the market today, Alfa-Rack Plus.
Imperial Whitetail Clover – the best clover blend on the market for deer food plots – was added to complete the Alfa-Rack Plus formulation. Imperial Whitetail Clover performs well in soils that hold moisture. By adding Imperial Whitetail Clover to Alfa-Rack Plus blend, the clover fills in where soils are moist and the X-9 Alfalfa and chicory dominate where soils are more well drained.
Alfa-Rack Plus has been enhanced by the addition of chicory. Chicory is a highly drought tolerant plant that is attractive to deer, especially in late summer and early fall. Chicory, like alfalfa, is very high in protein. In fact, protein levels in chicory can reach as high as 46 percent. Chicory has received a lot of press lately in terms of being used in food plots. But be warned, food plots of chicory alone have many limitations and not all chicory varieties work well for deer food plots. There are many varieties that are not as attractive to deer. The chicory used in Alfa-Rack Plus has been tested thoroughly and chosen specifically based on deer attraction and nutrition. With the addition of chicory, Alfa-Rack Plus has become even more drought tolerant than the original Alfa-Rack. Again, this enables Alfa-Rack Plus to be planted in a wider geographic range and be more effective.
Imperial Whitetail Chicory Plus

Type of Mix: Perennial
Seeding Rate: 7lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 6.5-7.0
Available Bag Sizes and Coverage:#CP3 Net Wt 3.5lbs (.5 acre)
#CP14 Net Wt 14lbs (2.25 acres)
Seeds: A premium food plot planting with all the high-protein attractiveness of Imperial Clover plus the added benefits of our exclusive WINA-100 Brand Chicory specifically engineered for climates where high summer heat and extended summer drought can slow clover production.
Soils: Avoid sandy soils, slightly well drained and avoid heavy soils
Planting Times: Spring/Early Summer or Mid-August/Fall. Ideal seed for frost seeding.
Product Description: Imperial Whitetail Clover is a professionally formulated blend of high yielding clover varieties that offers very unique traits when compared to traditional plantings for wildlife. Wildlife biologists now know the critical importance of high-quality forage and browse for whitetails year-round, especially during the spring and summer months of antler growth and fawn development. Without high-quality, high-protein browse during the antler-growth season, a buck’s antlers will not reach their genetic potential.
Imperial Whitetail Clover produces up to 30 – 35 % protein 12 months a year and can last for up to 5 years without replanting, saving you time and money! In terms of attractiveness, Imperial Clover has no equal. Part of the stipulation in the design of Imperial Clover was that it had to be the most attractive food plot available to the deer. After all, no matter how nutritious a food plot is, if the deer do not eat it, it doesn’t matter. In this respect, expectations for high attractiveness were exceeded. Because of its design, Imperial Clover is a lush, sweet, highly digestible forage that is a virtual magnet to deer – it actually pulls deer from surrounding areas.
Until Imperial Clover was developed, no single planting was known to us that would stay green and productive 12 months a year throughout the Country and perform well from Canada to Florida.
Imperial No-Plow

Type of Mix: Perennial
Seeding Rate: 16-20lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 6.0-7.0
Available Bag Sizes (Coverage):#NP9 Net Wt 9lbs (.5 acre)
#NP25 Net Wt 25lbs (1.5 acres)
Seeds: “NO-PLOW” WILDLIFE SEED BLEND contains Whitetail Institute’s now-famous “GOLDEN JUMP START” ingredient to guarantee fast initial growth and get deer to your food plots. This is a quality seed formulation that can be planted without the use of equipment or cultivation.
Soils: Well Drained or Heavy Soils
Planting Times: Spring or Fall Planting
Sunlight: 3-4 Hours of Sunlight Per Day
Product Description:What exactly does “NO PLOW” mean? Just what it says. It is sown without plowing, just as seed is in nature – on the surface, with minimal or no soil preparation or tillage. If you have out-of-the-way or hard-to-get-to locations you have always wanted to plant, or you simply don’t have access to a tractor or cultivating equipment, the new IMPERIAL “NO-PLOW” WILDLIFE SEED BLEND is the perfect product for you. NO-PLOW is also excellent in drier climates where summer rainfall can not be counted on.
To ensure the quickest growth and coverage, our new formula includes our now-famous “GOLDEN JUMP START” ingredient to guarantee fast initial growth and get deer to your food plots as quickly as possible.
“NO-PLOW” is the easiest way to attract and hold deer on your food plots during hunting season. When planted in the Fall, NO-PLOW can last until mid Summer. When planted in the Spring, NO-PLOW will thrive until late Summer.
Imperial Whitetail Extreme

Type of Mix: Perennial
Seeding Rate: 5.6lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 5.4-7.5
Available Bag Sizes and Coverage:#EXT5.6 Net Wt 5.6lbs (.25 acre)
#EXT23 Net Wt 23lbs (1 acre)
#EXT56 net Wt 56lbs (2.5 acres)
Seeds: Institute Director of Forage Research, Dr. Wiley Johnson describes this product in more detail. “The primary component of Extreme is an evergreen forb. This is a very durable plant that produces a deep tap root which allows it to thrive in harsh climatic regions and grow up to 15 inches tall while maintaining high palatability. Along with the evergreen forb, the seed blend includes hardy varieties of chicory and clover.”
Soils: Will grow in poor soils
Planting Times: Spring/Early Summer or Fall.
Lighting Requirements: Needs 3-4 Hours of sunlight per day.
Product Description: Thanks to years of research, painstaking genetic selection and careful blending of seeds, new Extreme can withstand a pH range of 5.4 to 7.5 and requires only a minimum of 15 inches of rainfall. It is also remarkably heat resistant and cold tolerant. In short, it’s a tough product for extreme conditions.
Most important, Extreme provides a high-quality protein-rich food source all year round. The kind of protein necessary to produce healthy deer and fawns and especially trophy racks in the critical 200-day antler-growing season.
Just as importantly, deer are extremely attracted to the seed blend. As a matter of fact, its attractiveness actually rivals that of the legendary Imperial Whitetail Clover.
“It not only delivers protein, it’s extraordinarily attractive to whitetail,” Dr. Johnson continues. “As a matter of fact, at test sites around North America, deer crowded into Extreme food plots during all seasons. And many field testers observed deer in the food plots at all times of the day as well. Other wildlife, like turkeys, geese and rabbits are also highly attracted to the product.
And like Imperial Clover and Alfa-Rack, Extreme can last up to five years without replanting, providing vital protein to whitetail herds’ season after season.
Imperial Whitetail Pure Attraction

Type of Mix: Annual
Seeding Rate: 26lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 6.0-7.0
Available Bag Size and Coverage: #PA26 Net Wt 26lbs (.25 acres)
Seeds: The early-season component of this blend includes WINA Brand forage oats and winter peas. As our Certified Researchers and Field Testers have repeatedly confirmed, WINA Brand forage oats outperform every other oat product test. Whitetail Institute forage brassicas are included in Pure Attraction and comprise it’s late-season segment, to provide deer with abundant, highly attractive forage through the coldest winter months.
Soils: Well drained to heavy
Planting Times: Spring/Early Summer or Summer.
Product Description:Whitetail is exceptionally excited over the performance of the early-season part of this blend, which includes WINA Brand forage oats and winter peas. As Whitetail Certified Researchers and Field Testers have repeatedly confirmed, WINA Brand forage oats outperform every other oat product test.
Over the last year, many customers have tried the Whitetail Institute’s Winter-Greens brassica blend and have reported observing that their deer exhibited an overwhelming preference for Whitetail Institute forage brassicas over other brassica blends on the market. Whitetail Institute forage brassicas are included in Pure Attraction and comprise it’s late-season segment, which provides deer with abundant, highly attractive forage through the coldest winter months.
If you’ve been looking for an annual blend that establishes rapidly, is highly attractive right out of the gate and will keep drawing deer throughout the season, look no further than Imperial Pure Attraction.
Imperial Power Plant

Type of Mix: Annual
Seeding Rate: 25lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 6.0-7.5
Available Bag Size and Coverage: #PP25 Net Wt 25lbs (.75-1 acre);
Seeds: This unique seed blend includes small amounts of sorghum and sunflowers along with heavy doses of beans and peas. The specially developed legumes found in PowerPlant are fast growing and extremely high in protein.
Soils: Most soils
Planting Times: Spring/Early Summer
Sunlight: Requires 4-6 Hours of Direct Sun
Product Description: Imperial PowerPlant, is an annual planting mixture that consists of warm season forages that work together to offer an ultra high-protein food source. Completely different than any product developed by the Institute, PowerPlant provides more tonnage of browse per acre than any food plot product available.
The unique seed blend includes small amounts of sorghum and sunflowers along with heavy doses of beans and peas. The specially developed legumes found in PowerPlant are fast growing and extremely high in protein. Because of the unique blend of forages and fast growing capabilities, PowerPlant can be planted in smaller acreages and has a much better chance of surviving relatively heavy browsing.
PowerPlant produces over 30 percent protein and also provides good cover for bedding. It contains 4 legumes that have an excellent chance of survival because they are blended with palatable forages that grow taller and can protect the other plants from overgrazing at an early stage.
PowerPlant is a spring/summer planting that grows very well in a variety of moist and dry soils, and has been field tested around the country on wild, free-ranging deer. The plot will typically thrive throughout the hottest months and into early fall.
Imperial Whitetail Winter-Greens

Type of Mix: Annual
Seeding Rate: 6lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 6.0-7.0
Available Bag Sizes and Coverages:
#WG3 Net Wt 3lbs (.5 acre)
#WG12 Net Wt 12lbs (2 acres)
Seeds: The product, Winter-Greens, is the Whitetail Institute’s answer to late-season and winter food plot problems. A brassica blend, Winter-Greens is designed specifically to attract deer in late season.
Soils: Well Drained Heavy Soils
Planting Times: Summer (July/August)
Product Description Some plot plantings become less attractive with cold weather and hard frosts. Others may not lose their allure but, when buried in snow, they require more effort than the deer are willing to expend, especially if there are alternative food sources that require less effort. The Whitetail Institute’s late-season food plot product, Winter-Greens, is the answer to these winter problems. A brassica blend, Winter-Greens is designed specifically to attract deer in late season.
Winter-Greens is the most effective late-season food plot product you can plant. Brassicas by nature actually sweeten with a hard frost. To be precise, the first hard frost triggers plant maturity, which in turn results in a sweeter taste. It’s like a banana. When it’s still green, a banana is not very tasty. Once mature or ripe however, a yellow banana is very tasty. The brassicas in Winter-Greens are palatable to deer right away, and they get even tastier after a hard frost. So, while other food plots are becoming less appealing, or are getting eaten down, Winter-Greens is getting better. And don’t think the deer don’t know it!
Imperial Whitetail “Chic” Magnet

Type of Mix: Perennial
Seeding Rate: 3lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 6.0-7.0
Available Bag Sizes and Coverage: #CM3 Net Wt 3lbs (1 acre)
Seeds: WINA 100 Brand Chicory is now available by itself. WINA100 Brand Chicory is the same chicory included in Imperial Chicory Plus, Imperial Alfa-Rack Plus and Imperial Extreme
Soils: Slightly Well Drained or Heavy Soils, Avoid Sandy Soils
Planting Times: Spring/ Summer
Product Description: “CHIC” MAGNET features WINA 100 Brand Chicory, the same chicory included in Imperial Chicory Plus, Imperial Alfa-Rack Plus and Imperial Extreme, now available by itself. WINA100 Brand Chicory is specially selected for whitetail food plots in climates where periodic heat and drought of late summer and early fall may slow production of other forages. More tender and less leathery and waxy than other chicories, WINA-100 Brand Chicory is dramatically more attractive and palatable to deer. And at up to 44% protein, “CHIC” MAGNET provides deer with the protein levels they need to maximize health and antler growth. THE most attractive and palatable chicory product on the market!
“CHIC” MAGNET provides deer with a highly attractive and nutritious food source even during the heat and low rainfall of late summer and early fall. It can be planted in the spring or fall in most areas and may last up to three years with a single planting.
Chic Magnet is an excellent choice if you want an extremely high-protein, highly attractive food source for soils that are moist to slightly well drained, especially in areas prone to periodic drought and excessive heat in late summer and early fall.
Secret Spot & Secret Spot XL

Type of Mix: Annual
Seeding Rate:
SECRET SPOT – 4lbs/1 acre
SECRET SPOT XL – 4lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 5.5-7.5
Available Bag Sizes and Coverage:
#SECS4 Net Wt 4lbs (.5 acre)
#SECXL10 Net Wt 10lbs (2.25 acres)
Seeds: SECRET SPOT and SECRET SPOT XL contain all the seed you need to plant a “personal” food plot and both are loaded with a pH booster and can be planted in late summer or early fall.
Soils: Suitable for most soils
Planting Times: Summer – Late Summer (June, July, August)
Sunlight: Plants in this mix require a minimum of four hours of sunlight per day.
Planting Instructions: Eliminate grass in a clearing by weed eating, mowing or spraying (if spraying, allow one week before seeding). Rake area thoroughly to remove grass and debris. Broadcast Secret Spot.
Re-rake area lightly. Seed will germinate within one week after rainfall or when adequate soil moisture is present.
Product Description: Secret Spot is the only “personal” food plot planting. It’s designed to be planted in that small clearing in the middle of the woods where big deer like to hang out. Secret Spot will attract and stop deer close to your stand. It’s so easy to plant, and so effective, you’ll buy a bag for every stand!
SECRET SPOT contains all the seed you need to plant a “personal” 4500 sq. ft. (.10 acre) food plot while a bag of SECRET SPOT XL contains all the seed you need to plant a “personal” 11250 sq. ft. (.25 acre) food plot.
Both are loaded with a pH booster and can be planted in late summer or early fall. SECRET SPOT requires minimal effort; no deep tillage is necessary. Better yet, with adequate moisture, this mix will begin to germinate in less than one week!
Imperial Whitetail Double-Cross

Type of Mix: Perennial and Annual
Seeding Rate: 4lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 5.5-7.5
Available Bag Sizes and Coverage: #DC4 Net Wt 4lbs (.5 acre)
Seeds: Double-Cross combines Imperial Whitetail Clover with the Whitetail Institute’s fast growing annual brassicas. Both the clover and brassicas attract deer the first fall and winter after planting and from then on you have the highest quality clover food plot possible and one that can last 3 to 5 years without replanting.
Soils: Suitable for most soils
Planting Times: Summer – Late Summer (June, July, August)
Sunlight: Plants in this mix require full sunlight
Planting Instructions: Eliminate grass in a clearing by weed eating, mowing or spraying (if spraying, allow one week before seeding). Rake area thoroughly to remove grass and debris. Broadcast Double Cross.
Re-rake area lightly. Seed will germinate within one week after rainfall or when adequate soil moisture is present.
Product Description: Like all Whitetail Institute products, Double-Cross is formulated for whitetail deer. It is palatable and high in protein so it attracts deer and help keeps them healthy. Double-Cross produces more tonnage than the typical food plot. The clover and the brassicas are fast-growing for rapid establishment, providing a great food source early and late in the hunting season that can handle heavy grazing.
It’s no secret that Imperial Clover and Whitetail Institute’s Forage Brassicas are winter hearty, making the Double-Cross blend a perfect food plot for fall planting.
Tall Tine Tubers

Type of Mix: Annual.
Seeding Rate: 6lbs/1 acre
Recommended Soil pH: 6.0-7.0
Available Bag Sizes and Coverage:
#TT3 Net Wt 3lbs (.5 acre)
#TT12 Net Wt 12lbs (2.25 acres)
Seeds: Whitetail’s blend of Forage Turnips and Kale
Soils: Suitable for most well drained soils
Planting Times: Late Summer (July, August)
Sunlight: Plants in this mix require full sunlight
Product Description: TALL TINE TUBERS is designed to provide deer with two food sources (forage and tubers) for late fall through winter.
Unlike commodity-seed type turnips, TALL TINE TUBERS is the only tuber variety specifically developed for whitetail deer food plots. The new turnip variety in TALL TINE TUBERS was developed over six years of exhaustive research, development and testing under real-world conditions on wild, free-ranging deer across the United States and Canada to be sure it would be as productive and attractive to deer as possible.
In developing TALL TINE TUBERS, candidate turnips were planted in plots available to wild deer and then closely monitored for deer usage. The plants that deer exhibited a marked preference for were isolated from further grazing with exclusion cages, allowing those plants to mature and produce seed. Exclusion cages allowed continuing evaluation of other traits important for deer food plots including rapid stand establishment, early plant vigor and resistance to disease, insects, heat, drought and cold. Plants that did not meet the Institute’s strict testing requirements were eliminated at each selection cycle.
Tests on wild deer proved to the Whitetail Institute’s Research and Development Team and to the Institute’s Certified Research Stations across North America that their efforts had created the most productive’ attractive’ and cold-tolerant turnip product possible. After six years of exhaustive research, development and testing, TALL TINES TUBERS met all the Institute’s strict requirements and is now available to the public.
TALL TINE TUBERS is only available in Whitetail Institute products.
Imperial Whitetail Edge

A Perennial Forage Mixture that Combines Heat Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, Winter Hardiness in a Single Mix that Deer Absolutely Devour!!
Extremely palatable forage to deer that provides outstanding energy and nutrition
5 years in Whitetail Institute’s research, development and testing program
Perennial mixture (up to 5 years from a single planting with proper management
Up to 44% protein
Penetrating and prolific root systems which enhance drought and heat tolerance
Winter hardy
Best performance on medium/heavy to moderately well drained soils
Optimum soil pH: 6.5 to 7.5
Well suited to a broad range of environments from the Southeastern U.S. to Alberta, Canada
Edge includes proprietary forage varieties available only in Whitetail Institute products.
Persist Forb: The backbone perennial in Imperial Whitetail Extreme. Sweet, deeply rooted, cold/heat tolerant, and drought-resistant. Persist performs well on light to medium-heavy soils in well-drained sites. Optimum soil pH of 6.5-7.5.
X-9 Grazing Alfalfas: The same high-tech grazing alfalfas found in Alfa-Rack Plus. Deeply rooted, winter hardy and extremely attractive to deer. Because these are true “grazing” alfalfa varieties, they have an excellent leaf to stem ratio. Like any alfalfa, X-9 grazing alfalfas should be planted in soils with soil pH of 6.5 or above.
WINA Perennial Forage Chicory: The same proprietary perennial forage chicory found in Imperial Whitetail “Chic” Magnet, Alfa-Rack Plus and Extreme. Deeply rooted. More palatable to deer because its leaves don’t become leathery and waxy like other chicories traditionally planted for deer.
Specially Selected Sainfoin Variety: High Protein legume that produces high protein at levels similar to those produced by high quality alfalfas. Sainfoin is a non-bloating legume which increases palatability. Winter hardy as well as drought and heat-tolerant to withstand hotter, dryer environments. The sainfoin variety included in Edge has been specially selected for its outstanding deer preference compared to all other sainfoin varieties tested by the Whitetail Institute.
WINA Golden-Jumpstart Annual Clovers: These are the same proprietary clovers included in other Whitetail Institute perennial and annual forage blends. These clovers sprout and grow very rapidly, providing fast green-up and attraction.
Food Plot Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements
Imperial Whitetail 30-06

Like humans, a deer’s available diet seldom supplies all the minerals, vitamins, and protein necessary for maximum health and growth. Whitetail Institute food plot products provide a tremendous amount of antler-growing protein on a year-round basis but other vitamins and minerals may be unavailable which could result in deer that are not reaching their full genetic potential. Like humans, it is beneficial for deer to have a mineral and vitamin supplement on a daily basis. Imperial Whitetail 30-06 supplements are the answer.
Like all Whitetail Institute products, 30-06 minerals have been scientifically developed after years of research and development by wildlife biologists, nutritionists and field testers for the Whitetail Institute of North America. Regardless of any mineral or vitamin deficiency in your habitat, Imperial 30-06 mineral products provide the principal elements deer need. The PLUS PROTEIN formula also provides a 10% protein boost. If you want a healthier deer herd in your neck of the woods, provide them with 30-06 minerals and you can have healthier bucks and does which results in larger racks and healthier fawns.
30-06 Minerals are great products for hunters who want to provide a food plot and want an attractant nearby that provides vitamins and minerals for the herd. 30-06 also works well as a stand alone product for hunters with small parcels of land that don’t have the space for food plots. Just create a 30-06 lick on the ground and let the deer find it.
30-06 products are also great attractants and can attract deer from long distances. In fact 30-06 products are so attractive, some states consider them bait. Consult your local game laws before hunting over a 30-06 lick site.
Imperial Whitetail 30-06 Plus Protein

Like humans, a deer’s available diet seldom supplies all the minerals, vitamins, and protein necessary for maximum health and growth. Whitetail Institute food plot products provide a tremendous amount of antler-growing protein on a year-round basis but other vitamins and minerals may be unavailable which could result in deer that are not reaching their full genetic potential. Like humans, it is beneficial for deer to have a mineral and vitamin supplement on a daily basis. Imperial Whitetail 30-06 supplements are the answer.
Like all Whitetail Institute products, 30-06 minerals have been scientifically developed after years of research and development by wildlife biologists, nutritionists and field testers for the Whitetail Institute of North America. Regardless of any mineral or vitamin deficiency in your habitat, Imperial 30-06 mineral products provide the principal elements deer need. The PLUS PROTEIN formula also provides a 10% protein boost. If you want a healthier deer herd in your neck of the woods, provide them with 30-06 minerals and you can have healthier bucks and does which results in larger racks and healthier fawns.
30-06 Minerals are great products for hunters who want to provide a food plot and want an attractant nearby that provides vitamins and minerals for the herd. 30-06 also works well as a stand alone product for hunters with small parcels of land that don’t have the space for food plots. Just create a 30-06 lick on the ground and let the deer find it.
30-06 products are also great attractants and can attract deer from long distances. In fact 30-06 products are so attractive, some states consider them bait. Consult your local game laws before hunting over a 30-06 lick site.
Herbicides, Minerals & Accessories

Slay the Broadleaf Weeds in Your Food Plot
Slay Herbicide was developed by the Whitetail Institute to help control broadleaf weeds. Like grasses, broadleaf weeds come in many shapes and forms, both perennials and annuals. Thistles, dock weed and ragweed are examples of broadleaf weeds that can damage or destroy food plots. Broadleaf weeds, like grasses, can spread quickly and take valuable moisture and nutrients from the soil. Slay Herbicide effectively controls broadleaf weeds and doesn’t harm Imperial Whitetail Clover, Alfa-Rack or other clover or alfalfa plantings.
Slay Broadleaf Herbicide is effective on most broadleaf weeds including: Chickweed, Ragweed, Dandelion, Thistles, Dock Weed, Smartweed, Henbit, and others. Important Note: Sure-Fire Sticker or some type of surfactant is required for effective use of Slay herbicide. Without a surfactant, Slay will be marginally effective at best.

Arrest the Grasses in Your Food Plot
We stock both Pint and Gallon jugs
Arrest Herbicide was developed by Whitetail Institute to help control grasses found in a food plot. Grasses come in many forms: perennial and annual. Fescue, Johnson grass and foxtail are a few that commonly plague food plots. These grasses produce lots of seeds and are very aggressive, taking incredible amounts of moisture and nutrients away from desired forages. If not dealt with quickly, they can damage or destroy the plot. Applying Arrest before the grasses get out of control can clear virtually all of the grass out of the plot without damaging the stands of Imperial Whitetail Clover, Alfa-Rack, Alfa-Rack Plus or Extreme.
Arrest Grass Herbicide is effective on most grass types including Blue Stem, Orchardgrass, Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Bermuda, Switchgrass, Fescue, Timothy, Indiangrass, Crabgrass, Johnsongrass and others. Always follow the instructions on the label.
Sure-Fire Crop Oil

What is Surefire Seed Oil?
Surefire Seed Oil is a tank additive that helps the herbicide stick to the weeds which helps the herbicide penetrate the weed aggressively. The cost of adding Surefire Seed Oil to the Slay spray solution is less than $8 per acre.
Do I Need to Add Surefire Seed Oil to the Slay Spray Solution?
Yes! Slay is chemically different than Arrest. The addition of Surefire Seed Oil or a similar surfactant or crop oil concentrate is mandatory for Slay to work. If you spray Slay without adding Surefire Seed Oil or a similar crop oil concentrate or surfactant as directed, you could lose up to 90% of the effectiveness of Slay on broadleaf weeds. Add Surefire Seed Oil to the Slay spray solution at a rate of 1/2 pint of Surefire per acre.
Do I Need To Add Surefire Seed Oil To The Arrest Spray Solution?
In most cases, Arrest will work without adding Surefire Seed Oil. However, if the grass to be controlled has matured or is a perennial grass, adding Surefire to the Arrest solution is highly recommended to boost the effectiveness of Arrest. Add Surefire Seed Oil to the Arrest spray solution at a rate of .5 pint of Surefire per acre.
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Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday 8:30am-2pm
Closed Sunday
Copyright © 2023 Shamel Milling Co. East Concord, NY
~ All rights reserved. No use of text or images without express permission. ~